Well, Hello There

I’m Lacey

A Creative & Energetic Force of Nature

Virgo sun, Libra moon, Capricorn rising
I care about the quality of relationships, the beauty of life, rituals that enhance the everyday, and the freedom to explore.

Where You’ll find Me:

My main gig:

Highly Anticipated Brand & Web Design

I’m taking myself through binge eating recovery

I’m having a really good time and feeling better! Recovery doesn’t need to be this difficult and never-ending thing, it can show you new adaptions to make that will also make you a happier and healthier person.

Feeling Down? Try a ‘Feel Good Adventure’

Feeling overwhelmed and down? Don’t worry, you’re not alone. We all have days when everything seems to go wrong. But don’t let those days drag you down! With a little planning and self-care, you can turn things around and start feeling better in no time.

January 2024 Monthly Recap

My very first monthly recap. Let me know what you all are up to? https://youtu.be/gfkO4FY1wCU