Well, Hello There
I’m Lacey
A Creative & Energetic Force of Nature
Virgo sun, Libra moon, Capricorn rising
I care about the quality of relationships, the beauty of life, rituals that enhance the everyday, and the freedom to explore.

Where You’ll find Me:
My main gig:
Highly Anticipated Brand & Web Design
I’m taking myself through binge eating recovery
I'm Taking Myself Through Binge Eating Recovery: A Personal Journey I’m 38 years old and I’m...
Feeling Down? Try a ‘Feel Good Adventure’
I feel like crap today. Like, what am I even doing with my life? I haven't replied to...
January 2024 Monthly Recap
My very first monthly recap. Let me know what you all are up to? https://youtu.be/gfkO4FY1wCU